Kinesiology Personal Statement

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According to Wikipedia, Kinesiology is the study of the principles of mechanics and anatomy in relation to human movement. This class introduce us to the basic physiological, psychological, sociological and mechanical principles of human movement. The field of kinesiology has grown in recent years. For years, the field was limited to only physical education teachers. The field of kinesiology now includes but is not limited to coaching, sports marketing, sport promotion, athletic training, sports medicine, sports psychology, sports law, personal training, specialized instruction for those with disabilities (American Kinesiology Association), and finally physical therapy. The practice, study and application of kinesiology can be traced back …show more content…

It teaches me about physical, mental, emotional and social health. It motivates me to improve and maintain my health and those of my family, prevent disease, and reduce risky behaviors. Moreover, it will guide me and provide me direction to learn skills I will use to make healthy choices throughout my lifetime. A positive change in behavior that would help me lower the risks around alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, injury prevention, mental and emotional health, nutrition, physical activity, prevention of diseases and sexuality and family life not only for me but for all people around …show more content…

Successfully participate in the professional certification examination process. Encourage and promote public health education within the framework of legal, ethical, moral and professional standards. Provide leadership within the public health profession. Collaborate with other professionals, staff, communities and consumers in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of health education programs. Conduct and incorporate research findings in health education into practice settings. Establish and maintain a personal commitment to intellectual inquiry, self-directed learning, and professional growth. We have entered an era in which the ge factors in common and complex diseases are becoming well understood and in which important new preventive and therapeutic approaches will derive from improved