Essay On Liberty For America

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Liberty is what separate’s America from the rest of the world. It all began with the Revolutionary war when we fought the british for our independance. When we won the war we were able to created the laws and choices that would government our newly free nation. Than from those laws and choices we founded a document for amendments. To be an american is to have pride and liberty is what our nation does to benefit the people. Benjamin Franklin once said "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do(Paul Pavao)". The revolution was fought to gain independence from the English, and its harsh rule over its people.This is was a war that started an american's quest to find Liberty, and justice for a better day. An Americans fights for what is right, liberty and justice. The Revolution was a war that had to be fought so our nation could be free. George Washington stated "A people... who are …show more content…

The power of the law, is the uncertainty of the law(Jeremy Bentham).” In American laws are voted on by the people, for the people. Americans have the right to change an laws, because our forefathers fought for our freedom. Laws in america are constantly being changed because the people have the power due to liberty and justice to change the laws to benefit the general outlook of the nation. The First Amendment is ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances(Legal Information)”. The right to speech, religion, and press.There are many countries who never get the chance to speak out against their country like in america, people can bash our leader openly and still be alright. No country has as many right and liberties as