Essay On Long Term Care Interview

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I decided to conduct my interview with one of the best R.N.’s I know, my good friend Shain Smith who works for a long-term care facility. Mrs. Smith and I worked together in the same nursing home for over ten years, at which time, she was a certified nursing assistance, while going to college to receive a degree in nursing. She graduated in 2016 in the top 3% of her class. She is now the infection control nurse at the same facility. I conducted this interview at her home, on Wednesday, February 7th, 2018, at around 4:00 pm. When asked what she believes to be the top 3 priorities for healthcare are today, she immediately answered, number one would be quality patient care. Meeting patients needs and those of their families, should be high on the list when discussing priorities in the healthcare field, she stated. This includes educating the staff, making sure there is enough employees there to meet the needs of the residents, and that the employees know and do their job in a timely and efficient manner, while still understanding that even if the person they are caring for does not understand or is unable to voice their concerns are treated with the dignity and respect that they and all deserve. Anyone who has worked in a …show more content…

All people should receive the best possible care possible, regardless of income. Now most people would just assume that she was talking about the poor not receiving the same quality of care and no doubt at times they don’t but it’s not only them. Rich people can go to whatever doctor they want because they can afford it. But often, the doctor is so scared of losing this patient and they money that they pay, that they don’t exercise correct judgement when treating them. What they want, they get, whether they need it or not just to satisfy

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