Essay On Lowering The Drinking Age

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Did you know that lowering the minimum legal drinking age is an idea that's currently up for debate? Lowering this age has been a topic that recently just became a bigger topic to talk about. There are lots of issues concerning the young drinkers safety,and the safety of other people. Many people think that there are little to no dangers posed by lowering the drinking age,but other people think there are many dangers. If the MLDA (minimum legal drinking age) is lowered there are health dangers,physical dangers,and fear that even younger underage people will start to drink. Lowering the legal drinking age would be harmful to our country.

One reason lowering the legal drinking age would be harmful to our country is that even though 18 year olds receive certain rights,they are still developing certain parts of the brain. For example consuming alcohol can interfere with the development of certain parts of the brain (the frontal lobes), which is essential for certain …show more content…

If the MLDA is lowered from 21,that means it would give high schoolers and middle schoolers even easier access to alcohol. Newly legal drinkers often purchase drinks that contain alcohol for their underage peers. This is also known as the trickle down effect. Surveys show that 21-24 year olds often purchase alcohol for 18-20 year olds (34,35). Although this may be true,the MLDA 21 law encourages the young adults that are not 21 to use fake ID’s to buy alcohol. In this time of national security concerns,including terrorism,illegal immigration,and other threats,it would be better to have fewer fake ID’s (17). Even though this is possibly true, there are other ways to identify people’s background information,and other personal stuff. Altogether, if the MLDA is lowered from 21,more underage drinking will occur,leading to other major