Essay On Lowering The Drinking Age

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Should we really lower the drinking age? It's funny how irresponsible teens really are without the consumption of alcohol now only imagine if it were legal the drinking age should stay as is to protect teens from the dangers of drinking, Allowing teens to consume alcohol can make them more vulnerable to drug and substance abuse, unplanned and unprotected sex, depression, violence, and other social ills. If teens were to drink alcohol, they would be more likely to binge drink than people above the age of twenty-one. Since teens who drink alcohol have a higher chance of academic failure, allowing teens to drink will negatively affect more students’ academic performance, research has shown that the harmful effects …show more content…

economy $24 billion in 2010. This is due to hospital funds used in order to help the victims of underage drinking recover, and funeral costs for the ones who died because of it. This all could have been avoided if people just drank at an appropriate age. Drinking at the age 21 lowers under-age drinking, Alexander Wagenaar, an epidemiology professor at the University of Florida who studies alcohol issues, says studies consistently show that raising the drinking age, "has substantially reduced the amount of drinking and the amount of damage due to drinking, " statistics also show that 22 percent of people under 21 are heavy drinkers while only 18 percent of people over 21 are heavy drinkers. Many people completely disagree with leaving the drinking age as is those individuals who would like to see the legal drinking age lowered from 21 often argue that the legal drinking age in Canada and many European countries are in the mid- to late- teen years. While the argument that a lower legal drinking age may be based on the data from other countries, one must remember that the culture of alcohol is different in many of these countries and should not serve as a valid starting point for an American argument about the legal drinking