Essay On Moral Disengagement And Machiavellianism

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Acting as a positive person with ethical views in the workplace, she was friendly and liked by her peers, whom had little understanding of her capabilities. Moral disengagement and Machiavellianism are two ideas that represent Grants mindset. Machiavellianism is associated with the unethical way of thinking, describing a person who manipulates and deceives others for personal gain. This theory, named after an old philosopher, promotes a self-interested and opportunistic person, whose actions are justified by the end outcome (Trevino & Nelson 2014) (Sakalaki, Richardson & Thépaut, 2007). In Grants case, her fraudulent act of stealing money was justified with her ability to acquire all the equestrian gear she desired. Furthermore, Grant may have justified her actions by moral disengagement. (Trevino & Nelson 2014). Convincing yourself that what you are doing is acceptable, compared to other options, is a technique Grant could have used, in order to stop the guilt. This mechanism is called ‘advantageous comparison’. By Grant telling herself that she’s not directly ’killing or harming anybody’, and that ‘nobody will be directly effected’ is a way to justify to herself that her actions were ok, …show more content…

With 7 fraud-related charges and accusations of 49 more, these unethical and illegal acts of fraud and theft were abuses of her employment contracts, trust, and power. As she was in such a high position of power in both circumstances she had the ability to take advantage of the companies because they did not have suitable controls in place to prevent or even detect her fraudulent actions. In response to this incident, both Sky City and Dio should put risk detection and prevention plans in place, as well as analysing their senior management strategies in order to stop this from happening

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