Mucus Research Paper

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Mucus often feel cold and other upper respiratory infections. While it is not a serious health problem, mucus is not timely treatment, it can clog and cause a secondary infection of the upper respiratory irritation and result in bronchial tubes.

The presence of mucus in the throat clearing often feel weakness, persistent cough, runny nose, breathing difficulties, and in some cases is indicated by a constant need for fever. Mucus is collected and congest in the chest and throat and is normally expelled through coughing.

Mucus, bacteria, contains inflammatory cells created in response to the virus or infection. Like the common cold, flu and bronchitis in addition to infection, mucus can be as asthma and hay fever, damaged vocal cords, and cause …show more content…

1. Steam

Steam inhalation is the best and easiest way to get rid of mucus. Steam inhaling nasal passages so it is easy to remove from your system helps keep mucus in liquid form.

Take a sauna twice daily. Turn your shower to heat and are completely shut in the bathroom for 10 minutes to help break up mucus. As hot water robs your skin of essential oils and moisture, and do not forget your body moisture.
Alternatively, pour boiling water in a large bowl. Hold a towel over your head and inhale the steam for 10 minutes to five. This will help loosen secretions in your lungs. You can use this simple treatment several times a day.
2. Salt Water

Another easy way to treat mucus gargling with warm salt water. While soothing an irritated throat in warm water, salt helps to destroy bacteria that may be causing your infection and therefore reduces production of mucus.

Mix a quarter tea spoon of salt in a glass of warm water.
Rinse with a solution.
Repeat this treatment several times a day.
3. Lemon juice

Lemon mucus and phlegm is a great ingredient for flabby. Plus, lemon antibacterial properties and high vitamin C content improves the body's resistance to infection.

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