
Advertising Effects On Society Essay

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In today 's time, advertising plays a very large role in our simple, yet ordinary everyday lives. We see advertising almost everywhere that we go whether it be outside on a billboard or in a magazine. In some cases, such word events like 9/11, advertising is a valuable thing because it can help get the word out about certain issues that may have happened in the world. In contrast, advertising can be lousy in some ways because of the effects that they can cause in some individuals life. When advertising is used in a unfavorable way many people can be effected all throughout the entire world, especially young teenagers. Advertisements can effect people mentally, physically, and can potentially become life threatening. Because society advertises an image of how a perfect person should act and look, negative effects on both genders have occurred causing girls to become bulimic and guys to take illegal drugs so they look considerably large.
To begin with, advertising can go way …show more content…

After the emotional stress has come into play guys and girls begin to think about their self image constantly throughout their normal day routines. When some one compares themselves to a model in a magazine they start to produce ideas in their heads of ways they can get their body that small or built. For example, girls often compare themselves to Victoria Secret models in hopes that they could one day have a body that look like theirs. When girls are not losing weight very fast they rely on unhealthy means of losing the weight that they wanted. Many young teenage girls have become bulimic and anorexic because they believe they should look exactly like Victoria Secret models everyday just to impress people and be happy with their body. An enormous amount of stress is also placed upon someone when they are constantly comparing themselves to models and body

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