Essay On Nursing Scholarship

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Long shifts and never knowing exactly what to expect when arriving at work isn’t appealing to everyone but for as long as I can remember, I have aspired to be a nurse. I am currently in my second semester of nursing school at Wake Technical Community College. If selected to receive this scholarship I will be able to focus more of my attention on reaching my goal of becoming a nurse and giving back to the community through volunteering at medical clinics. As a nurse, we have the unique opportunity to help people of all ages, to be a support for families, to teach, and to love on and care for patients who are in their most vulnerable places in their lives.

There is no denying that the demands of nursing school result in little free time. When I started nursing school I was working about 30 hours a week as a night shift nursing assistant at an Alzheimer’s facility to help pay for accumulated costs that go along with being a student. After two and a half years at the facility, I had to make one of the hardest decisions ive ever made; I had to step away from work in order to focus on my studies. Receiving this scholarship would help relieve some of the financial stress of paying for school, …show more content…

My fiancé asked me one day why I didn’t mind taking my work home with me; the answer was so simple. For me becoming a nurse or being a nursing assistant was just a job, it is something that I am passionate about, the patient become friends, the residents become families, I celebrate their victories with them, and I grieve their losses. Becoming a nurse means so much more to me than just a paycheck, it will enable me to give back to the community through volunteering at free medical clinics as a nurse. I will be able to work with people of all ages, help them improve their health, give them the love and compassion that they need, and strengthen the community one patient at a