Essay On Obama Health Care

508 Words3 Pages

Barack Obama Health Care

Noemi Ochoa
Brookline College
August 21, 2016

Barack Obama Health Care

In 2010 president Barack Obama signed a law that is called Obama Care and the president

did this law for people that did not have insurance and were struggling in this country because

they did not have health insurance there was millions of people without health insurance and

were not getting the health care they needed this is why our current president did this. He also

did a health care page were you could actually go in there and search for the best health care plan

that fit your needs. There was millions of people that were benefit with this law especially

elderly and children they are the most ones that got benefit with this …show more content…

The cost of the health care depends on what your needs are in the Obama care website there

is meany choices and different pricing depending on what health care you need so you have to

go into the page and just search and buy what you need. Also if you buy the Obama care you

have to maintain it’s a month to month and you

don’t have the health care insurance this will affect you at the time that you file your taxes. There

is a penalty when you file them you will get charged for no health insurance. The penalty fee for

an adult is $695 and for child is $347.50

it al depens on your household imcome.

You need to maintain at least some of the coverage health care since this is a law

that our current President Barack Obama did. You need a minimum essential coverage. You

could get short or long term insurance it just depends on your needs and what you could afford to

pay The open enrollment to

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