
Essay On Obesity In America

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The problem of obesity in America is great with all the fast food and unhealthy decisions that are available on an hourly basic. But, how can we overcome those temptations to remove the problem of obesity? With a healthy style but fair warning, it is not easy. A healthy lifestyle isn’t just about feeling good about yourself but it can lower obesity and death rates in America. Once a healthy lifestyle is established it wont just happen over night, its about commitment and dedication. Obesity is a huge problem especially in America, in all ages including children. From ages 2-19 38% of them are overweight or obese, that sad and very unhealthy. Which a lot of it comes from what their parents feed them and what they on a day to day basis. “More than 2 in3 adults are considered obese,”(niddk.nih.gov). This needs to be fixed …show more content…

The risks of an unhealthy lifestyle are diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and even a stroke. These are risks that many people who are living an unhealthy lifestyle can incounter and expect and that is not ok. Having a healthy lifestyle should be a priority because it can lower obesity and diseases in America.
Dieting has said to be one of the hardest self -discipline a person can ever experience. But it is one of the many ways to start leading a healthy lifestyle. Dieting is not just watching what someone eats but talking to a doctor and find the best thing that works for that person. There are many types of diets but the top two are weight loss and weight gain. These two types should be approved by a doctor before going through with it. “Both can reduce fat, stress, blood sugar, and cholesterol,” (Lorecentral.com).

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