Essay On Odd Honor Society

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There are many reasons I would consider becoming a member of the Odd Fellows or Rebekahs of PA. One of the biggest reasons is the sense of community the membership entails. My grandfather is a member of the Odd Fellows, as was one of my teachers from Greater Johnstown High School. The two had nothing in common besides the Lodge. It fascinated me how people of different ages and career paths can come together in a unified manner. Throughout the history of our country and the world, people have always been judged on their appearances. Gender and skin color has always determined how we look at another. People are constantly judged by facts they cannot change. Our country was built upon the differences of skin color. African Americans were simply …show more content…

In middle school and high school, almost every club I was in had to do with serving the community. It has always been something I enjoyed doing. I live in Johnstown, a city where many of the families are in poverty. One of my school 's biggest projects was Trojan Family Christmas, which was a charity event sponsored by Kiwanis Club through our Key Club that ensured children within my school district got at least one present. The members of Key Club, which included myself, put together different activities for the children, which included making Christmas ornaments and hot chocolate. As a Christian, I understand the importance of service. I understand that it is almost a necessity. Some people have so little, yet somehow they manage to pull through the day. It is the job of people who were blessed with more to give back and help those who are unprivileged. Whether it is donating money or time, any little bit contributes to the greater picture, which is giving back to those with less. The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs understand this fact. They have countless charities in different countries that contribute in different ways. They understand how important it is to give back to the less