
Essay On Oppositional Defiant Disorder

442 Words2 Pages

Oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder are often linked to inadequate parenting, troubled parent-child relationships, family hostility, family conflict, and marital conflict. In addition, they are sometimes tied to traumatic events, poverty, exposure to violent peers or community violence, and drug abuse. Oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder have also been linked to biological and genetic factors. As you can see, there are many factors that may cause either of these disorders.

So, while I do think that video games that feature violence may contribute to oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, or other childhood problems, I also feel that other factors must be present for an individual to have such disorders. I think that sustained play of violent video games increases aggressive behaviors and cognition over time, in people, and decreases empathy. Playing violent video games teaches individuals how to act aggressively and puts aggressive thoughts into their minds, so that when something provokes them, they are more likely to respond aggressively. The more an individual plays these games the stronger their aggressive thinking will become, because they start to view violence and aggression as appropriate responses to their problems and as a way to release their anger. Overall, I think that …show more content…

The problem, I think, comes with children and adolescents playing violent video games. These games have become so graphic and realistic that they are desensitizing children to blood, gore, and violent actions in general. They are also teaching individuals bad skills, along with the good skills. I don't think there is much of a problem with individuals playing non-violent video games, besides being too sedentary, but I feel that too much of the violent ones may lead to an increase in aggressive

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