Essay On Paris In Romeo And Juliet

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Throughout the capturing story of Romeo and Juliet, the bold yet ignorant Paris struggles to find love through soon to be wife, Juliet.The character Paris, is portrayed as the perfect gentleman: handsome, kind, polite, and, of course, rich. The one and only thing he lacks is a brain. To represent Paris, his body is a candle because the Nurse and Lady Capulet state that he is a “man of wax,” (I.iii.76) meaning he is perfect. A candle is made of wax and is shiny and flawless, just as the Nurse describes him. Because Paris is also described as handsome, his head is the flame on the top of the wick, showing that his visage is smoking hot in the eyes of most. Although he may seem like the ideal man from the outside, on the inside, Paris is nothing …show more content…

Most of his actions are made in order to make Juliet his wife, such as going to the party and negotiating with Lord Capulet. Marriage is the only thing on his mind for most of the story which is why Paris has a backbone made of wedding rings. Paris’ first leg is a rose. It is repeated over and over that Paris is a completely charismatic, young gentleman. His pleasant demeanor is easily one of his best qualities. His second leg is a dull, unsharpened pencil, which represents his only flaw: his lack of intelligence. Paris’ inability to understand situations quickly is the only thing keeping him from being one hundred percent flawless.When Paris and Juliet are talkin, Paris says, “Do not deny to him that you love me,” (IV.i.25) showing that he is ignorant and not understanding of Juliet’s feelings. Paris is shown standing on the clouds because his belief in a simple marriage and lifestyle relates to the simplicity of the sky. Not only that, but Paris is up in the clouds the whole tragedy, doing his own thing. He is completely unaffected by the things going on around him, and believes to stay out of the drama by marching to the beat of his own