Essay On Physician Assisted Suicide

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Many physicians, doctors approved of this suicide law, this law gives ill patients who only have six months or less to live to have an option to do an assisted suicide. Some people worry that legalizing physician assisted suicide will lose the value of actually a doctor trying to save someone’s life. However, doctor-assisted suicide also known as Euthanasia should be legalize in Canada, because suffering patients would rather have a peaceful death, less depression for ill patients and treatments are no longer effective to cure ill patients. A suffering patient shouldn’t go through more of the suffering, if they couldn’t take it anymore and they’re willing to let go of their suffering and death would be the easiest way out. …show more content…

We know that the role of the doctor is always to save a patient’s live. What if the only way to save save a suffering patient’s life is their death. The highest ethical imperative of doctors should be to provide care in whatever way best serves patients' interests, in accord with each patient's wishes, not with a theoretical commitment to preserve life no matter what the cost in suffering.... The greatest harm we can do is to consign a desperate patient to unbearable suffering—or force the patient to seek out a stranger like Dr. Kevorkian.(2004) Physician do try their best to cure an ill patient, but if the cure was death to a suffering patient, then a physician is just doing their job to fulfill a patient’s needs. Physician- assisted-suicide should not be blamed for an ill patient asking for a prescription. Most crucial thing to see when you’re loved ones is suffering from severe pain, and the only thing that they’re asking is a cure for that pain, but what if there are no effective treatments at all. The only best option that there is to ask a doctor to assist a patient to commit suicide. Families would be aware and not in the state of shocked and emotionally wrecked, if assisted suicide in Canada is