
Essay On Plessy Vs Ferguson Cases

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Centuries ago, people weren’t treated equal. You were treated based on your skin color. If you were African American, you would be treated as if you were nobody. People looked at them with disgrace. African Americans got tired of the life they were living. They didn’t have the same benefits or rights as the white people did. They protested and didn’t give up until justice was made. In 1896, Plessy v. Ferguson case had a huge impact on our society. The case was based on that everyone was equal but separated. For example, African Americans were only allowed to attend colored school and white students went to school where everyone was white. White people would use the bathroom on the right and Africans Americans would use the one on the left, equal but separated. Years later, African Americans were still not treated equal as white people were. If you lived near a white school, you still wouldn’t be able to attend that school. You would have to attend a colored school. The distance between them didn’t matter, the only thing that matter was what skin color you were. It was still separated but equal. Parents got tired of this …show more content…

In 1995 there was a new invention called the DNA test, it was 99% accurate. This test could determine if it was him who actually committed the crime or if it wasn’t. This DNA made his case turn upside down, his new lawyer Mr. Hunter and Richard Rosen did the investigation over again. They wanted to make sure they didn’t miss anything. They knew there wasn’t enough evidence to actually blame him guilty for sure. They decided to do the DNA test on Ronald, this was the only choice they had to actually find out if he was the one who committed the crime or not. Once they did it, they noticed they have been wrong all this time. The guy who committed the crime confessed after they found out the truth, his name was Bobby

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