Anuloma Viloma Research Paper

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Where there is a health there is happiness. Here the meaning of happiness is not the pleasure out of fulfillment of the desire but the jubilant feeling all the time that is free from fears and tensions. Today, in our world, we need two items to make our lives a complete success. The first item which we lack is “vitality”, which is not physical strength, but inner strength, will power, clarity of mind and the ability to perform every action, with perfection. The second item we lack is tranquility. Health is an extent of containing physical, emotional, mental and social ability to cope with one’s environment. Pranayama is derived from combining two hindi words Prana (life) + Ayama (to lengthen, prolong). Thus the literary meaning of pranayama …show more content…

Iniatially the suddhi kriya jal neti and sutra neti kriya was done by the subjects. After doing the same the subjects were asked to sit in any comfortable meditative posture. Anuloma Viloma is an experienced form of breathing placing the practitioner into a state of meditation. If done improperly hallucination may occur. Anuloma Viloma breathing is done by placing the right thumb on the right nostril, the right ring finger on the left nostril while the right middle and index fingers rest above the nose on the forehead. First, Ujjiayi inhale through the left nostril with the thumb closing the right nostril for a count of 4 seconds. Second, lower the chin closing the glottis and hold the breath for a count of 16 seconds. Finally, lift the chin opening the glottis and exhale through the right nostril; use the right ring finger to close the left nostril for a count of 8 seconds then repeat on other side .20-20 repetition was instructed them for anulom- vilom, ujjayi and Brahmri Pranayama. After those 5-10 minutes om Chanting. Continuous instruction was given while doing practice of pranayama. They were asked to avoid extra thoughts in their mind and feel comfortable while doing these practices. Statistical Analysis To analyze and find out significant difference between pre and post test of two months pranayama practicing on selected haematological Variables i.e. Red Blood Corpuscles, Haemoglobin & Haematocrit …show more content…

What is important is that we listen to our bodies during this time. Through Pranayama practices the supply of fresh air and oxygen strengthening the lungs but they have a direct effect on the brain and emotion, meditation gives strength to soul but pranayama gives mental health, physical and physiological strength together. It keeps the brain under conscious control. It enhances well being, mood, attention, mental focus, stress tolerance and thus, can alleviate anxiety, depression, everyday stress etc. Due to the conscious control of the brain some internal chemical changes occurs in our body and gives a positive effect. That is why changes had been found in our physical and physiological variables. Through pranayama practices a sufficient amount of oxygen supplies in our body which causes the increased level of haemoglobin as proved by the present study that significant difference was found in relation to Haemoglobin in both male and female interuniversity players by taking pre and post blood test. An almost similar type of study conducted by Bhardwaj Satish Kumar in 2012 entitled “Effect of pranayama on hemoglobin level of under graduate college- girls” also presents some supporting evidences that the practice of Pranayam elevated the level of Hemoglobin of under graduate College girls. There