Essay On Romantic Relationship

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“The differential effects of parental divorce and marital conflict on young adult romantic relationships” by MING CUI AND FRANK D. FINCHAM, summarize. The study assumes a romantic relationship success depends on a personal well-being and it depends on the emotional and physical distress of the relationship. The study educated guess is on the different underlying mechanisms and potential effects of divorce and marital conflict have on their children future relationship. How it will affect their behavior and romantic commitments as young adults. Associating behavior of young adult’s romantic relationship by observing the marital interaction between their parents. Children with divorced parents are most likely at greater risk for marital difficulties, …show more content…

The 521 participant were heterosexual relationships and were asked to complete a survey on family and romantic relationships at the beginning of the semester. Then 7 weeks later, and then 14 weeks later. The requirement for the study was being under the age of 30 and coming from an intact family or a divorced. After elimination, only 467 percipients remained, 182 had change partners during a 14-week period. The study made a comparison between the 182 and the 285 that were in a committed or engaged relationship. Using the model SEM for the study provided descriptive information about the sample. Focusing on the 285 that were in a serious relationship, 79-reported parental divorce and 206 were from unbroken families. Majority were non- Hispanic whites two hundred and sixteen, 36 males and 249 females. The majority duration of relationship in the study among participants was for 1-2 years. Majority age was 19.5 years old Table two of the study provided correlations between the variables and uncontrolled variables. Associating parental divorce and marital conflict and both correlated with the young adult’s quality in a romantic relationship. Proving the hypothesis that parental divorces have an impact on young adult’s position towards marriage and divorce. The position young adults have a weaker commitment to their relationship. Showing negative attitude marriage, but positive attitude in

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