
Essay On School Dress Codes

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“Boys will be boys” is a common refrain used to excuse anything from roughhousing to anything sexual. But what about girls? Why are they held to a different standard when it comes to clothing choices? Dress codes in schools have been a controversial topic for many years. While the intention behind dress codes is to ensure students are dressed appropriately, they often tend to be more harmful to girls rather than helpful. While some believe that school dress codes maintain a professional learning environment, dress codes also contribute to a culture of sexism and misogyny by sexualizing and objectifying young girls, reinforcing harmful gender stereotypes, and perpetrating a double standard of modesty and respect.
Dress codes that sexualize and …show more content…

This can limit girls’ opportunities and potential while contributing to a lack of diversity and representation in fields that are traditionally male-dominated. To give an idea, the Hickory High School dress policies have unrealistic restrictions on exposing bra straps—often suggesting that girls’ bodies are shameful or vulgar, that students are “distracted” by girls’ bodies and appearance, and that girls’ dress and appearance require more regulation than that of boys.
While it is true that school dress codes specifically target girls’ clothing choices and play a part in supporting sexism, it is important to recognize that dress codes can also serve a legitimate purpose in schools. Dress codes can help maintain a professional and respectful learning environment, prevent bullying and harassment, and ensure that students are dressed in a way that is appropriate for an educational environment. It’s crucial to find a balance between these goals and the negative effects dress codes have on young

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