
Essay On Schools Vs White Schools

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Overview Education plays a major role in today’s society along with racial discrimination. Many researchers believe that schools are better diverse than separate based on the color of skin. The case of Brown v. Board of Education helped the students to be able to feel comfortable in a school of different races. Although this law was a successful one, many parents felt the need that segregation was better off because of where the black students lived. The problem that they seek reflects on the academic level between whites and blacks. Black schools were unable to receive all the same necessary materials as the white schools. During the Civil Rights movement blacks had a hard time fighting for what they believed. One major problem were a group of people known as the Ku Klux Klan, they wanted people who were not white to stay out of sight. Along with the riots and protest many laws were passed that put an end to discrimination among non-white citizens. However, teachers are getting punished for things that are uncontrollable such as the behavior of the students. Once they are fired, they are sent to a school where there are less resources and materials for them to …show more content…

I feel that schools need to be diverse because students should not see color. The way the system works on trying to resegreagate schools really grabs my attention. The struggle that blacks went through for freedom of education shows that equality has no specific color. I find it interesting that school laws in this research have their own twist. Sometimes I wonder why racism started because many people are being looked down on because they are not a specific race. I want to find all the information that will help explain the cause to the downfall of society. In order to investigate the laws of race and education, I will ask questions such as the

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