Essay On Sexualisation Of Women

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Sexualisation is to make something sexual in character or quality, or to become aware of sexuality, especially in relation to men and women. Sexualisation is linked to sexual objectification and has been dismissed by some as no more than yet another panic about youth and sex. Every day in magazines, television, movies etc. we are bombarded with images of the supposedly perfect body. These photo shopped beauties and hunks send most of us into a frenzy, however the sad truth is most of us will not look like this, but why do we have to abide by what society says is beauty. This is not a healthy obsession; it is one that causes pain. We have all seen young women and girls try so hard to look like this they have developed eating disorders. In Australia anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, self-harm and other forms of psychological illnesses affect young women and it now is becoming more common in young men. …show more content…

This kind of sexualisation involves the way that women are presented in the media and the ways they are objectified in order for them to appear more desirable/mature. Just as this creates an overwhelming pressure for women to look a certain way, it could be argued that this also creates controversy in terms of children feeling as though they have to dressing more provocatively and grow up faster than what they should, due to the pressures of the media. However, this is the exact same thing for men. There have been many cases within adverts where men are displayed purely for the focus of their bodies. Often men are 'dumbed ' down within certain media products, most typically done when the male is very physically fit and fits into this 'pretty boy ' stereotype. This stereotype is very negative and creates controversy and potential embarrassment for anyone like

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