European Starlings Essay

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Factors That Led to the Establishment European Starlings The European starlings were brought to the U.S, originally arrived to New York City in 1890 and 1891 with the purpose of introducing animals mentioned in Shakespeare’s works. However, the starlings stuck in the U.S and spread outward from New York to the rest of the U.S and their population has since grown to an estimate of 140 million birds. (1) The starlings are “habitat generalists”, meaning they are able to exploit various habitats, nest sites and food sources. They feed on almost anything, including a diverse range of invertebrates, fruits and seeds. Additionally, starlings are lowland birds that survive well in large open areas of crops and marshes; they can eat up to 20 tons of …show more content…

Heavy plastic like PVC and polyvinyl chloride, rubber strips are hung in doorways of farm buildings to prevent starlings from entering. For fruit crops, netting is used to cover cherries or grapes; studies show netting is a cost-effective method to protect the fruits from starlings. Farm management and practices are important in long-term starling control; these practices include limiting food and water available to starlings, therefore making the livestock environment less attractive; feed livestock in covered areas, or use bird-proof livestock feeders (6). Frightening is an effective method to be used in small-scale fruit crops, and airports. Frightening devices include recorded distress and alarm calls to scare the starlings away. Repellents are non-toxic materials used to discourage the birds from roosting on ledges and roof beams. Trapping can be used to capture the starlings. Shooting is also effective as a dispersal technique to reduce starling numbers. Poisoning is used to control the number of starlings and blackbirds around livestock and poultry facilities. Mammals are resistant to the toxic effects. The toxic will be used on birds with differing amounts; generally will kill them non-violently within 24-36 hours after