Essay On Television In The 1980's

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A new hobby, a distraction from the real world, or a nation wide cultural change and a pathway to new trends, what was TV in the 1980’s? Fantasies and fairy tale galore, TV’s during this decade brought the public into a new world of self expression. People could watch the most perfect romance stories to be educated about the latest news straight from their own living rooms. It changed the lives of many citizens in the way it spread information to everyone home in America and influenced many people by the way it completely disregarded racial minorities.
As Television started to gain its popularity, so did local news stations such as, the biggest music streaming platform, MTV. Becoming the largest ever central outlet for commercials, motion …show more content…

Sitcoms had reached the beginning of their "golden age" with shows based for families to watch together, like Family Matters, Full House (which is a personal favorite), The Cosby Show. Something worth noting during this time was the diversity in races and the how they stretched the theme of new TV shows and tried new thing. Rather than being white and having “that certain look” TV shows pushed the boundary of having a TV show based on an all black family (“Television in American Society Reference Library”). While the networks did try to branch out they also did not want to risk offending viewers or potential advertisers in the South who still supported segregation at this time. The Cosby Show, A Different World, and Frank's Place, challenged stereotypical portrayals of black people and received a lot of love from society. The cosby show was about the lives of Huxtable family. Based on the “Stand-Up comedy of Bill Cosby, the show focused on his observations of family life” (The Cosby Show). Although most of the series was based on comedy, it also addresses more serious topics, such as learning disabilities and teen