Essay On Texting And Driving

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Driving on the road with your friends listening to the music on the radio The driver or anyone else could have a phone in their hands resulting in everyone's attention drawn to the phone. The driver doesn't necessarily need to have a phone in their hands in order to be distracted. As long as one of the passengers has a phone in their possessions there could be a risk for an accident.There should be responsibility on the passengers as well because they can draw the attention or ask for their attention oblivious to the accident. Just because the person is driving the car doesn't make them responsible for the accident at times, whosoever has the phone is responsible. Pulling out my phone makes me think twice about getting everyone's attention. …show more content…

Viewing the car has a surreal depth to it realizing how fatal accidents can be when simply texting and driving. Pulling our heads and mind to the screen not realizing how such a simple accident causes head trauma, broken necks, and even death. The crying and screaming a reaction when something horrific has just happened. Adds to the cause of broken bones are there friend dead is the effect of it. Yet what is more shocking is how easily this could have been avoided. (the fatal accidents caused by texting and driving)
The door being jammed is a crucial component between life and death of a person. The door is slammed due to the accident caused by texting and driving. As there are bodies inside the car possibly dead or injured need help asap but they can’t get help due to the door. The longer you wait the more likely someone could have lasting effects or could die as a result of not getting help in time. Texting and driving is not only effecting before or during but after as well. Every minute you waste is someone else grave.( Every second counts when in an accident as a result of texting and