
Essay On The Causes Of The Civil War

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The Civil War took place in a tumultuous time in the history of the United States of America. The colonists had finally established themselves and were creating a country and government of their own. They were basking in the freedom of seceding from Great Britain. The formation of a new government brought with it substantial hurdles, the battle between federal and state government was ignited. The economic strife between the Northern states and Southern states only became more and more apparent and to add to the precarious standing of the infant country the opinions of slavery began to evolve throughout the country, developing into opposing views. The newly formed United States of America was a country divided, a country on the verge of civil war. What was the ultimate cause of this civil war? Was it the power struggle between federal government wanting to control the states and the states attempt at freedom from tyrannical control of an overbearing federal system? Was the country divided by the economic differences that presented themselves between the industrially booming North and the Cotton rich South? Was the divide a result of the movements to abolish …show more content…

The south was politically, socially, and economically controlled by slave labor. The cotton trade’s expansion only added fuel to the fire. The southern states depended on slaves to continue to provide free labor that would sustain the cotton empire. However, in the Northern states, where industrialization was the primary economic factor, feelings towards slavery where in strict opposition. The idea of abolishing slavery had manifested itself and the beginning of the end had come. “Slavery existed in all thirteen colonies at the start of the American Revolution in 1775, a number of Americans sensed the contradiction between the Declaration of Independence’s ringing claim of equality and the existence of slavery”(Slavery,

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