Essay On The Hsc Impact On Physical And Emotional Wellbeing

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Did stress from the HSC impact your physical or emotional wellbeing? Interviewee 1: Umm… maybe just during exam times if I don't manage time correctly but that's it. Interviewee 2: I did as much as I could without getting stressed, if I did as much as others or was asked as me it would of been a lot more stressful. Summary: Both interviewees indicated they experienced some kind of stress despite its severity. What part of the HSC stresses you out most? Interviewee 1: The pressure teachers put on you and exaggerating how important the hsc is. Interviewee 2: For me umm it was the amount of work at the same time I think, and everything was always due at the roughly same time and each demanded more time, it didn't …show more content…

If so, what way did they suffer? Interviewee 1: Um… I don't really stress, so I think if I was stressing it would impact on my emotional wellbeing as it messes with your emotions and other areas of wellbeing Interviewee 2: Long hours sitting and studying has given me a minor back condition that is definitely uncomfortable and needs to be monitored for the rest of my life, and sitting and umm leaning over the books has been shown in numerous studies to be attributed to this as well as other issues such as high blood pressure and heart conditions, regardless of physical fitness just by virtue of the sitting position for extended periods. Summary: Interviewee One states they don’t experience much stress but when they do, they feel their emotional needs are affected followed by influencing their other factors of wellbeing. Interviewee Two states their physical needs were impacted negatively as long hours sitting caused minor back injury that will require assistance for the rest of their life. They also indicate studies of other factors stress can have but it is not relation to them personally. Did you experience any physical and/or emotional symptoms throughout your