Essay On Unicorn Tapestry

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The Unicorn Tapestries are the mystery of woven artworks from the Middle Ages; the researchers are trying to discover exactly who is the artist who designed them and their true origin. These tapestries from the late fifteenth century are the most famous and came to public attention in the mid-nineteenth century. They were housed in the castle in the city of Boussac from 1660 to 1835 and in the last year the contents of the castle were sold to the city by the last descendant of the Carbonnieres family. In 1883, the tapestries made their way to the Cluny museum in Paris, where they are officially installed and attracted many visitors over the years. However, the exact place of origin and the identity of the artist is yet to be confirmed. The famous tapestry known as the Lady and the Unicorn series is composed of six panels that represent the human senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. The sixth panel is a mysterious one, called a mon seul désir …show more content…

One such artists was found, the Master of Moulins; his work presents the simplification of the composition to a few figures, which was becoming the popular style in the late fifteenth century. Pierre Verlet was the first to announce that the artist for the tapestry must be from the area of Moulins, where the capital of the Bourbon court was. The Master of Moulins is quite possible Jean Prevost, who was greatly honored at the Bourbon court in 1502. Jean Prevost designed the windows of the Lyons cathedral from 1471 to 1498, affiliating him with Jean Le Viste who most likely commissioned this artist for the Lady and the Unicorn tapestry. Accordingly, Le Viste sought for an artist with Lyonnaise origins who welcomed patronage of the