
Essay On West Side Story

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West Side Story is a Broadway musical in which related to Romeo and Juliet. In New York, there are two gang who want to take control over the upper west side turf. It become more complicated when one of the gang member fall in love with the rival’s sister.

There are so many dancing and singing scenes that is not important in history that could of been left out. One historical event was when the Puerto Ricans came to American.

The first group of Puerto Ricans immigrated to New York City in the 19th century.They moved to have a better life and living. In the movie the Sharks member was all Puerto Rican and their girlfriends too.

In the movie, you can see some of the Puerto Ricans girls working in the bridal shop. Many help their partners …show more content…

Jones- Shafroth Act was signed by President Woodrow Wilson in 1917 that gave Puerto Rican United States citizenship. The Jones Act separated the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of Puerto RIcan government, provided civil rights to the individual, created a locally elected bicameral legislature. In the movie, you can see a man promoting himself in a campaign. In the movie, the police was talking badly about them and to them. There were so many disadvantages and advantages of staying in America to them. Anita and her friends liked being in America. Bernardo not so much. Puerto Ricans cannot vote for President or anything like that.

In the movie, the characters use a lot of slang talking from the 1960 and later years. Some examples are these following: “Beat it, baby, ball, and many more”.

The way the cast dress in the movie is also reflect on when the movie was made in. The women wore dresses and skirts that was slightly puffy and short . Also, the neckline of their dress could not show their bosom but it was short and tight to show their figure. They were vibrant colors. The male outfits consist of pants that was big and baggy to dance, hair perfect, and vibrant colors

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