Essay On Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized

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Is marijuana safe or dangerous? Four states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for recreational use. Other states have passed medical marijuana laws allowing for limited use of cannabis. “From the sites where prehistoric hunters and gatherers lived, to ancient China and Viking ships, cannabis has been used across the world for ages, and a new report presents the drug's colorful history” The use of cannabis originated more than thousands of years ago in Asia, over the years marijuana has spread all over the world and it becomes more common by the day (Agata Blaszczak-Boxe, Marijuana’s History: How One Plant Spread Through the World) The legalization of marijuana could bring many positive effects. For instance, it might lead to a more effective criminal justice system. Jails and prisons are overpopulated and one of the main reasons is because of drug offenders, which include marijuana users and distributors. If marijuana is legalized, then there would be less money spent on drug offenders and more money used to better corrections and have programs and efforts to keep people out of jails and prisons and to prevent people …show more content…

There was a legalization protest in front of the white house by the marijuana crusaders, unfortunately Obama was not home at the time (Alexander Mallin, “Dozens of Pro-Marijuana Protesters Light Up In Front of White House”). There is a group called Weed for Warriors which is a group committed to working with the Veterans Administration to make sure that veterans “have the freedom to use medical marijuana as a recognized medical alternative to harmful psychiatric drugs” veterans go through a lot in their lives and some remain traumatized for their entire lives after war so they deserve to be able to use medical marijuana to help them feel better and relax them (Phillip Smith, “Marijuana Crusaders Are Taking Their Legalization Protest to Obama's Front