Essay Why Student Athletes Should Be Paid

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The NCAA should pay its athletes to compensate for the student athletes’ time and efforts, due to the hours they put in for their school, the class time they are deprived of, and the absurd amount of money the NCAA makes off of the athletes. This argument that i introduced and i will be arguing in favor of is very complex, but i believe there is a solution and this change should be implemented.

My first point is that athletes are working more than the working man and aren't getting paid for their time. ”On average per week, student athletes spend these hours on their sport: Baseball 42.1, Basketball 39.2, Football (FBS) 43.3, Football (FCS) 41.6, Other sports 32.0” (CBS News). In comparison, the average work week in america is 40 hours. These athletes are are in some cases literally putting in more hours than the average NCAA employee who is …show more content…

According to Forbes, The NCAA generates 11 billion dollars of revenue annually as of 2013, most of which comes from “scheduling championship events, determining eligibility rules, entering into commercial contracts, and punishing members that refuse to follow its authority.” (Edelman). Some of these actions are a little vague so I'll explain them for you; “scheduling championship events” is pretty simple, it just means the action of the NCAA scheduling tournaments. "determining eligibility rules” actually means the NCAA set rules and are using the rules to determine who is eligible to play. “entering into commercial contracts” which really means that the NCAA partners with sponsors and promote their own events (usually with the use of athletes, who receive no money). “punishing members that refuse to follow its authority” this basically means that any team, coach, athlete, etc. can be fined if they break any rule in the set of rules set by the