
Essential Church Dropout Summary

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When you consider things that are essential to life we usually thing in terms of air, food, water. And rest. Love is essential in live, everyone needs love and affection. Also, everyone need someone to love. Everyone has a need to belong, fit in and make a contribution to some worthy cause. There was a time when church was essential in our society. Church was important to the young and old. However, today that point of view has change, especially among the young adult ages 18 to 22. Statistics have reveal that a large segment of the 18 to 22 year olds have dropout of church and that church is no longer essential in their life. Why is church not essential to the 18 to 22 year olds? Why is this age group missing from our churches? Thom and Sam Rainer examine the importance to these questions and others in their book Essential Church? Reclaiming a Generation of Dropouts. This book is based on statistical data gather through interview and case studies conducted Thom and Sam Rainer. After studying one thousand young adults who regularly attended church up to high school. Their study revealed: More than two- thirds of the young churchgoing adults in America drop out of church between the ages of eighteen and twenty – two! This book answer why they leave and what it takes to regain those who …show more content…

Rainer II serves the church as a senior pastor. He is a frequent speaker on church health issues. He also serves as the president and CEO of Rainer Research. He has extensive experience in church and denominational research and is the author of numerous articles on the church as well as the coauthor of Essential Church. He also has worked in a consulting role for Fortune 1000 companies. In addition, he writes a regular column for Outreach magazine. Sam holds a B.S. in Finance and Marketing from the University of South Carolina and an M.A. in Missiology from The Southern Baptist Seminary. He earned his Ph.D. in Leadership Studies at Dallas Baptist

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