
Estocada-Personal Narrative

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This was becoming intense, and now I was too curious and concerned to stay where I was. I turned back into a feral fox and left my tunic behind, darting out of the doorway, down the staircase, and into the lobby and quietly as I could. Since his mind was on other things, Estocada didn't notice me following him as he made his way out of the door. His face displayed a mixture between anger and disturbance, as he was terrified of whomever he had to speak to. Whomever this was... he wasn't good... and yet, I kept following... Benjamin promptly moved out of the way. He was shaking enough to vibrate the ground, and his eyes were on the very intent Estocada. However, once he saw he following behind, I was the focus of his eyes. "H-Hey...! Y-You, …show more content…

"If you want him to stay alive, keep him far away from anyone who would see him as merchandise or a meal. In fact, I'd... recommend that you take him to stay with Master Centrino until our trial is complete. She has legitimate authority, unlike Florange. That undercut would likely sell his hide at a moment's notice if he received enough money for it." I grumbled. Ever since I had come to Albion, I had never ceased to feel like I was a piece of fabric or somebody's lunch. This was a very disconcerting point of view and, I have to say, I was incredibly eager to get back to a place in the world where I was considered an intelligent, sentient person again. "...I understand..." said Alex, nodding his head. "Where may I find this Master Centrino again?" Drake gestured over at a large, wooden structure in the distance. It seemed to resembled a mixture between a medieval basilica and a courthouse, and judging by the concrete base, it may have very well have been a courthouse in the past. "Do you see this building? That is the town hall. Just ask, and you should be directed to her." He sighed in relief. "Okay... Now, Ren?" asked Alex, looking down at me. Looking up, I did my best to pay

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