Ethical Frameworks Of The Coach And Mentor Relationship

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This assignment will explore the role of a coach/mentor and the coaching and mentoring relationship, by using in-depth knowledge and how to use a practice framework. Following this, comparing the frameworks from big organisational companies like NHS and the framework of small companies like CANW, furthermore, looking at the company’s policies and procedures. What the cultures around them are and abiding by the law, using this information to see how they influence the coaching and mentoring process. Display the professional boundaries between a coach/mentor and the coachee/mentee. Ensuring that ethical practice is in place within the client and the coach/mentor relationship, using ethical frameworks like the EMCC global code of ethics. Also, …show more content…

Business in this sector is NHS, council, DWP and the police. The third sector is charities that do not make a profit, like age UK and McMillian, they rely on donations, fundraising, and community volunteers. NHS is a big company that has their own set of policies and procedures for staff to follow, the NHS has clear policies for each sector within the organisation. Whereas child action northwest (CANW) is a small company that does not have their own set of policies and procedures so they follow the global code of ethics as a guideline structure for their company. The culture of coaching and mentoring includes values, attitudes, beliefs, and customs, Also, using underlying principles like attentiveness, curiosity, openness, and trust. Creating a coaching culture is how a coach engages and develops their client to increase performance either individually, as a team or part of an organisation that all share the same values. The differences between organisational frameworks are that it is specific to the role within the organisation. The law requires for equal opportunities and diversity, and that the coach should keep appropriate and accurate records of their work with clients and ensure they remain confidential, are stored securely, and comply with the data protection and privacy legislation. Civil law sets guidelines to protect individuals of their rights and duties, all employees and clients have the right to be safe at work and work in a safe environment, the coach has a duty to protect their clients and keep them safe. Employment law 1974 also ties in with the common law, to create a safe working environment by assessing the risks and making sure appropriate health