Ethical Issues In The Paralegal Profession

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In my short, so far, experience in the paralegal field one of the biggest subjects of discourse is whether or not to license, or regulate, paralegals. The two main sides to this debate are represented by two of the most paramount groups in the paralegal world are NALA (National Association of Legal Assistants) & The NFPA (National Federation of Paralegal Associations, Inc.). Naturally NALA & The NFPA have contending theses on almost every primary motif of discourse. NALA leads the paralegal profession by providing a voluntary certification programs, continuing legal education (publications, courses and webinars), networking opportunities, professional certification programs, occupational survey reports, and professional development programs …show more content…

• Identify traditional and nontraditional areas in which paralegal roles and responsibilities can be expanded;
• revise the applicable Rules of Professional Conduct or Code of Professional Responsibility to allow for expanded roles and responsibilities for paralegals, including: (1) revision to the references concerning ultimate responsibility and accountability of a lawyer for paralegal work, rather than under direct supervision and (2) revision to references concerning nonlawyer partnerships with lawyers and fee-sharing arrangements with nonlawyers;
• provide a model for revisions to court rules that would permit expanded roles and responsibilities for paralegals; …show more content…

Estrin CEO, Paralegal Knowledge Institute; CEO Estrin Legal Staffing; CEO & Co-Founder, Organization of Legal Professionals; Founder International Paralegal Association; Co-Founder Intern'l Paralegal Management Association, and writer of ten career books including Hot Jobs & Amazing Careers; Smart Moves for Paralegals; The Paralegal Career Guide Fourth Edition and The Successful Paralegal’s Job Search Guide; has a number of extraordinarily intelligent ideas. First, there are no standard requirements to be a paralegal, she deplores in “The Estrin Report”. As of right now, there are no mandatory requirements for paralegals to enter the job field. Everyone, has different requirements of paralegals, meaning their job description, and everyone has different standards on the educational requirements required for hiring. Not to mention the definition of a paralegal varies from organization to organization. Second, Estrin believes the paralegal field will take all of us by surprise and turn in another direction completely. She thinks it will follow the nursing model. Licensed nurses must still be under the supervision of a doctor. In the same manner, unlicensed paralegals must be under the supervision of an attorney. The doctor is ultimately responsible, just like the attorney. Estrin, and myself as well, hope to see something like this:
¥ There are Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants who have extraordinary education and experience. They are allowed to make a simple