Ethics Of Colonizing Mars Essay

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Ethics, concerning scientific discoveries, is defined as the moral principles that are acceptable by society in general, while conducting experiments that impact living organisms directly or indirectly. Currently, the ethics of space travel have only applied to the value of human life and its protection on earth and in space, with little regard to the impact human life and their living requirements will have on other planets and the possibilities of extra-terrestrial life it may come to contain. With the current state of Earth as global warming causes extreme weather changes set to intensify through the coming years, and the decreasing level of resources available due to unsustainable consumption and waste, the race to colonise Mars is becoming …show more content…

Often the drive and cause of which is a need for space and resources for an ever-increasing population. Of the many benefits of colonising Mars, two of the most beneficial would be acquiring more living space and acquiring resources, which according to ……. Is estimated to run out in the next fifty years. The first nation / corporation to successfully inhabit Mars will essentially claim the rights to ownership of Mars or parts of its territories. This will no doubt lead to disagreements and result in conflict between competing parties, as is often the case where profits are concerned. Examples of which can be seen throughout history, the most recent of which is the dispute between Russia, and the NATO Countries such as Canada, the United States, Denmark, and Norway, over the amount of natural resources present in the arctic sea, which is currently covered in a thick blanket of snow and ice and the possibility of a new trade route named the Northwest passage both of which are due to become available as the ice and snow melt as a result of global warming. This dispute has the possibility of evolving into a conflict not only between Russia and NATO nations but also a clash within the NATO, between USA and Canada, regarding the Northwest