Ethics Vs Utilitarian Theory

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Ethics have a lot of theories to explain a lot of things, but these are 2 theories that try of why you do certain things. Utilitarianism and Deontology are these two theories that we will talk about. The essence of Utilitarianism is that we need to seek for happiness; we need to see what the optimific action is. Optimific is the best ratio, the greatest balance of benefits over the drawbacks (Fundamentals of Ethics). Then this theory has 5 steps that we have to follow in order to can determine the best action. John Stuart a social reformer and a famous utilitarianism argue that “well-being” it’s the same thing than “happiness.” In this theory you can be Act utilitarianism (extreme): happiness is the only thing that has intrinsic value. [Intrinsic …show more content…

(Utilitarianism 1861) Instrumental value: when something is valuable because help us to reach some particular end. Ex. Money. (Fundamentals of Ethics) Utilitarianism seeks the most happiness. The other theory is Deontology, Immanuel Kant a German philosopher; he develops a theory that the only thing that has intrinsically value is a good will. In this theory an action only can be good if it is maxim and if you can universalize it. This have 2 distinct issues the intentions that are worthy of praise or blame and the actions that can be good or bad. (Fundamentals of Ethics, 162) Kant says: “what has intrinsic value? Act only on universalizable maxims. (Kant, FE, ch.11, 12) Also an action can be permissible if its maxim can be universalizable this means that if everyone can act in similar situations. The structure of this theory has 3 parts and the last part you have to ask: "Can the goal of my action can be achieved in such a world?" If the answer it’s NO the action is immoral, and if the action is YES the action

is moral. In the movie " A Separation" a 11 year old girl experiment a problem in her family that make her take hard decisions about his father. Termeh is the daughter of Nadar and Simin; they live in Iran, …show more content…

(Ethical Monism, np) I think Termeh lies to the judge in order to maximize the happiness of her family only, because the family of Razieh doesn’t have happiness anymore. That’s why that not always the action that makes you happy has to be the best action