Ethnographic Validity

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According to the textbook face validity is, “the extent to which an instrument appears to measure what it says it measures”. After reviewing the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) and the NAMCS Electronic Medical Record Supplement Survey, the surveys both meet the definition of face validity. Content validity, according to textbook is, “the rigorous determination that the instrument represents all relevant aspects of a topic”. The NAMCS, for the most part, meets the definition of content validity. On page 3, question number 9a and 9b needs to be re-sequenced. The interviewer is prompting to give a definition of what is included as an ambulatory patient after the question of asking if they directly care for ambulatory patients. The telephone number needs to be added on page 4 question 10a. …show more content…

It takes a great deal of time to participate in observing and conducting long interviews.
Ethnography is a good way to collect research data because it enables you to observe people in their natural surroundings. Ethnography enables research enables you to experience their way of life.
The ethnographic method is not always the best method to use when collecting observational research data related to healthcare and health informatics. Because in ethnography, you have small sample size, enormous amounts of time and money to collect the data, it is not always feasible in a healthcare setting. Although, ethnography is not always the best method, it is a useful qualitative approach for particular types of research. Ethnography is a way to learn patient’s views regarding their experience in the illness or delivery of service of the