Eugene Cernan Life And Accomplishments

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Eugene Cernan was an astroaut from Illinois. He flew on three NASA missions, Gemini 9A, Apollo 10, and Apollo 13, he was officially the last man to go to the moon. He salvaged his mission on Gemini, and on Apollo 10 set the world record for fastest manned vehicle at 24,791 mph. He logged in 5000 hours of flying and more that 4800 in a jet aircraft and 200 aircraft carrier landings which are really hard.

I can connect to Eugene Cernan because to be an astronaut and a jet for over 4800 hours. This shows that Eugene is dedicated to aviation and wants to be a astronaut and works really hard to do so. In that way I am like Eugene I will work hard to achieve my goals and will not stop once I reach them. Eugene didn't stop after Gemini, he went on