European Reasons To Colonize Africa Between The 1870s And 1900s

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The colonization of Africa was between the 1870s and 1900s, this colonization was done by the imperial europen powers like England, France, Italy,Germany and portugal. All African countries were colonized except Ethopia in East Arica and liberia in the West of Africa(P.J.Staudenraus. 1961, 1).The European reasons to colonize Africa was driven by three aspects economic, political, and social. It advanced in the nineteenth century due to the fall of the profitability of the slave trade, itscommencement and manifestation, as well as the amplification of the European capitalist Industrial Revolution. The goals of capitalist industrialization—including the request for guaranteed sourcesof crude materials, the look for ensured markets and beneficial …show more content…

The imperialist europeans were compiting to dominate the globe and grappling to colonizi as much countrys, the political driving force determined from the impact of inter-European control battles and competition for preeminence. Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, and Spain were competing for control inside European power politics. One way to illustrate national preeminence was through the securing of territories around the world, counting Africa. The social figure was the third major component. As a result of industrialization, major social issues developed in Europe: unemployment, destitution, homelessness, social relocation from rustic regions, and so on. These social issues created partly because not all individuals could be retained by the modern capitalist businesses. One way to resolve this issue was to obtain colonies and send out this "overflow populace." This driven to the establishment of settler-colonies in Algeria, Tunisia, South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique, and central African ranges like Zimbabwe and Zambia. Eventually the superseding finacial variables driven to the colonization of other African