
Evaluate The Roles And Functions Of The Eu

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Evaluate the roles and functions of each institution of the European.

The European Union (EU) currently is made up of 28 member states that joined to benefit from the EU’s main aims. The EU’s main aims are free movement of goods, person, services and capital. The EU has institutions to help ensure theses aims and this essay will evaluate the roles and function of each institution of the European Union.

The European Parliament (EP) is based in Strasbourg (some sessions are held in Brussels) and is made up of 754 members who exercise democratic supervision over the commission but unlike conventional legislatures does not introduce new laws or increase revenues, that task is fulfilled by the Council of Ministers. The EP also has equal power …show more content…

The Court of justice ensures that national and European laws and agreements being considered by the EU do not conflict with the terms or spirits of the treaties and the EU law is equally, fairly and constantly being applied in all the member states. They are able to do this by interpreting and giving their opinion about EU law to national courts and they are also able to make judgements in disputes relating to EU institutions, member states, individuals and corporations therefore giving the European Union authority in ensuring its decisions and policies agree with the EU treaties and law which is why the court does not effect family and criminal law. This allows the member states to be more integrated (mainly economically) while keeping control over many state laws and issues. Another rational part of the Court of Justice is the independence of each judge. There is a Judge from each member state and one more and all judges have to avoid promoting national interest of their home state. The courts work is categorised in two main ways, preliminary hearings and direct actions. Preliminary rulings is what the court mainly works on and deals with aiding national court cases with interpretation or validity of a certain law and can also have a preliminary ruling (most on behalf of the national court) which are binding on the court. Direct actions are when an individual, company, member state brings proceedings directly against the European Union. The court may allow for integration and clarity of EU law but cannot enforce its judgements (national courts and government will have toe enforce judgements) and so lacks power and can only impose fines, which is weak as there is no certain way for the Court to collect the

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