Evidence-Based Practice Change: A Case Study

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Evidence-based practice change: Fall-risk assessment, and management and treatment among community-dwelling older adults in primary care setting
Outcomes to measure: According to DiCenso, Guyatt, & Ciliska (2005), evaluation is an important step to determine the impact of the evidence-based practice change. The evaluation process after the implementation of the evidence-based practice change helps to assess whether the change has happened and had the intended impact. Upon the completion of the evaluation process, the practice change can remain unchanged, modified, or discarded (Gawlinski, 2007). DiCenso et al. (2005) also mentioned that the successful implementation of a change is based on the evaluation of structure, process, and outcome indicators. The evaluation of structure and process outcomes is beneficial in determining the success of implementing evidence-based decision. On the other hand, the success of the change in nursing practice can be evaluated with the intermediary outcome indicators such as organizational, patient, or health system. The …show more content…

(2010) evaluation was it evaluated the data at 3 months, thus long-term sustainability of the implementation of guideline to improve outcomes among HIV patient reading renal health is unknown. According to Gawlinski (2007), it is important to measure “the process and outcome variable variables 6 to 12 months after implementation” to evaluate the sustainability of the practice change. Likewise, DiCenso et al. (2005) mentioned that the financial costs of additional staff, physical resources, new equipment, implementation strategies, staff education, patient education, diagnostic tests should be evaluated to determine the success of the practice change. However, Goodroad et al. did not conduct any cost-benefit analysis to compare the cost related to implementation to undesirable outcome such as dialysis, and health care costs related to adverse drug effects and chronic kidney