Evidence Based Practice In Nursing Essay

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Since Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing was published in 1859 (Polit & Beck, 2012), nursing research with a focus on evidence-based practice has driven patient care practices and policies within healthcare facilities. At my facility, practice changes are driven through the Practice Council of the Shared Governance Council with support from the Research Council.
Within the Organization
The concept of these councils is to empower the nurses to lead change within the facility. One barrier to the continued success of the council is some ideas within the council become stagnant and do not disseminate. Often times, the bureaucracy involved in implementing a change within the hospital slows the process, increases workload of the change agent which ultimately loses council member buy-in. Thus, disallowing a project to become implemented which is one of the many challenges to maintaining a Shared Governance Council (Moore, Strachan, O'Shea, & Leitch, 2012). …show more content…

It is the responsibility of the organization to create a culture of evidence-base practice. Instructing nursing students about EBP can require different teaching and evaluation strategies to practicing nurses (Streurer, 2010). The questions that arise from a practicing nurse may provide more information than a student of nursing. Therefore, Streuer urges organizations to adopt a model for evidence-based practice, such as the Stevens (2004) ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation. The phases in this model move from discovery of a clinical practice question to the dissemination of EBP findings (Streurer, 2010). As the figures in the article by Streurer (2010) depict, phases consist of discovery, summary, translation, integration and