Evidence Of Creation In Jonathan Serafiti's Book Refuting Evolution

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EVIDENCE OF CREATION “And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.” The world around us is full of evidence of God’s creation. Whether someone is a casual observer or a dedicated scientist, he can see God’s hand in the world very easily if he so chooses. According to evolution everything that exists happened by chance, but a biblical world-view says that everything was created intelligently on purpose. Evolution claims that everything sprang from a single celled organism, but the Bible teaches that God created everything, and that he intended for all living things to reproduce after their kind. In fact, God mentions …show more content…

Today the term “family” or genus might replace the word kind especially when speaking of animals, but the boundaries may not be the same. When God first created animals and humans he designed them with great genetic potential. This is why there is such great variety even in common animals such as cats or dogs. In his book Refuting Evolution 2 Jonathan Serafiti states that: “The biblical creation/Fall/Flood/migration model would also predict rapid formation of new varieties and even species. This is because all the modern varieties of land vertebrates must have descended from comparatively few animals that disembarked from the ark only around 4,500 years ago. In contrast, Darwin thought that this process would normally take eons. It turns out that the very evidence claimed by evolutionists to support their theory supports the biblical …show more content…

There are many problems with this as the fact that if everything in existence came from a single life form how could there be such specifically divided genus families and species? However because of this high jacking in 1990 a geologist by the name of Kurt Wise introduced the study of Baraminology, this word is derived from the Hebrew words “Bara” meaning created and “min” meaning kind, consequently Baraminology can be defined as the study of or grouping of God’s created kind. This system is a way for scientist to map out how the kinds are divided and make sense out of the animal world. Sometimes this studying and mapping can be challenged by evolutionist, as more than one species may be found within a kind, their claim is that, if this occurs evolution must have happened! This however, is false, in order for evolution to happen there must be an addition to the gene pool. Reproductive isolation does not support, but rather it weakens the claims of evolution, because instead of an animal becoming more complex it has only become more restricted in its