Example Of A Meta-Analysis Essay

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After reading the meta-analysis conducted regarding the impact or effects violent video games may have on young people, I would venture to say that Bandura would support the findings, that violent video games can have negative effects on children’s aggression, among other things. Bandura’s belief that society’s/cultures are responsible for teaching children what appropriate aggression action is, and from this study’s findings, our society has clearly overlooked what is feed to our children through gaming. What I found interesting was that even non-violent games can/may produce aggressive behavior, and I had to stop and think about how many times I have seen my grandson get so frustrated just playing candy crush, that he drops his phone and …show more content…

Behaviorally, psychically, and cognitive information may help parents assist their children in choosing appropriate games, as Bandura even pointed out, we also teach children how to help, and cooperate (Crain, 2011). I would recommend games that are designed to reinforce this type of behavior, even some violent video games are designed with the player being the hero, as the study points out. Parents can become proactive in finding these types of games, and the child may not feel as though he/she is being deprived of what their peers participate in. I believe this is a factor, as peers are more influential on children’s/teenager’s behavior than parents are, but if this knowledge is utilized early on since we now live in a technological era, parents do have options before them to help ensure their child develops into a healthy