Example Of A Personality Analysis Paper

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Topic: - This assignment requires you to conduct a personality analysis of yourself, incorporating AT LEAST two distinct stages of your life. Your analysis should give an overview of how you see your personality and reflect any changes with explanations rooted in family, life experiences and other related issues. Be sure to include relevant theoretical frameworks which can assist in guiding your discussion.
Quote; “The most important thing is to never stop asking questions”…..Albert Einstein
Personality can be defined as a unique, consistent design of thinking, feeling and behaving. Research done into the expansion of personality was focused on a biopsychological foundation. These theories determined personality to be obvious in infancy, if not earlier and stimulated primarily by biological conditions within the body, such as body type or either an absence or abundance of blood or bile. Sigmund Freud, one of the most prominent providers to …show more content…

The traits are relatively permanent and have enduring qualities of behavior that a person displays in most situations. The eight-stage theory of Human Development by Erik Erikson has been deemed one of the most well-known theories in psychology. Even though the theory was built on Freud’s stages of psychosexual development, Erikson chose to focus on the prominence of social relationships in personality development; his theory also extends beyond childhood to look at development across the entire lifespan. However, considering personality development as a function of nature alone can be inappropriate, because there are many ways in which the environment can influence the development of personality, since there are theorists who emphasized that the environment can prominently take its place, where understanding behavioral and social learning theories are