Example Of Tentative Assessment Paper

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II. Tentative Assessment of the Person-Issue-Situation

A. Problem/Issues

1. Nature, Duration, Frequency, Severity, and Urgency
The issues of anxiety and depression including feelings of unease, trouble sleeping, inability to focus on almost anything, an inability to think clearly, and issues of feeling time is not on her side appeared to emerge in her teenage years. Mrs. Hungness indicated that she experiences these symptoms daily “regardless of where she is” or what she is doing. She clearly remembers feelings of depression and anxiousness in her teen years. She indicated that when her anxiety gets out of control, she suffers from panic attacks. During these attacks, she feels a shortness of breath or fast heavy breathing, an inability to think, the onset of a headache, and an increased speed …show more content…

She stated that these attacks happen weekly and the frequency depends on what is going on in that week or at that time. She stated the medications she is currently taking do not appear to be working for her anxiety or depression. She did state her doctor gave her a new medication that she has not yet started taking. She indicated the need to complete a task to calm down. She stated she has continued stress about school and her school work, interpersonal issues, and family/relationship troubles. She stated she finds herself to be “overly sympathetic” toward the issues of others. Mrs. Hungness indicated that she is currently living in a dorm on campus and works at the front desk of her building. She stated that her job is not stressful and that her anxiety and depression do not negatively impact her employment. She indicated a healthy relationship with her fiancé and stated they “both understand each other’s issues.” She also

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