Examples Of Aphorisms

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Most people's feet are close to a foot or twelve inches. So if you were to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes before judging them. Essentially you would be taking 5,280 steps. The aphorism, before you judge someone walk a mile in their shoes comes from a quote from Jack Handey. He only said, “walk a mile in his shoes” but since he said that people have added some words onto it. From a young age we are taught stranger danger and to only trust your family and the people you know, or think you know. We are also taught that the world revolves around us since birth. Our parents from the time they know we exist put us first in their lives. As we grow up they continue to do the same thing until they have another child, and then you are put aside. This makes you upset and you start misbehaving. You are not casted aside because you …show more content…

You are in all advanced classes and have hours of homework to do every night after you work or have basketball. Plus the dishes need cleaned, your cats need food, and your mom has no clean pants. You tell this all to your teacher expecting her to feel back and push back the due date for an assignment. She says no and you automatically think it is because that teacher hates you and you immediately get angry with her. The reason she said no was because if she pushes the due date back for you then she will have to wait and grade it by itself and take time away from her life. Something you did not take a millisecond to think about. Simply because all you thought about was yourself. You did not take the time to think about your teacher’s life too. You did not take into consideration that your teacher has a life too, that she has a couple of children and a husband too that need her time just as much as you do, if not even more time. If we lived by the aphorism of walking in someone else’s shoes before we judge them would eliminate issues such as this