
Examples Of Atticus Finch Trial In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Good afternoon, my name is Abygail Eksten. I am here on behalf of Maycomb County as the prosecutor on this very case. On August 26th, 1936 Atticus Finch was supposed to be defending Tom Robinson. We have reason to believe Atticus purposefully lost this case due to his laziness, and after you have heard all the evidence, we are confident that you will agree with this verdict of charging him with misconduct.
THE THEME AND THEORY Ladies and gentlemen, this is a case about a man who let his laziness get the best of him.
This happened because he had it in his head that he would lose the case so he didn’t try his best and an innocent man's life was stripped away from him.
Members of the jury, the County will review the …show more content…

Atticus had it in his head that just because Tom was black that they were going to lose the trial. So he did not do his job and gave Tom a fair trial and actually tried to get him to be free. He took advantage of a man who didn’t have much to help himself. Atticus Finch out of laziness lost the case so that he wouldn’t have a target on his back and the town would go back to loving him like before. He jeopardized an innocent man's life for his own …show more content…

Point one: Atticus Finch had Tom stand up to show them his arm and how it didn't work. But he never made him try and use it to prove to the jury that it truly did not work. Point two: Atticus asks the same question over and over again without mayella being able to process what he is saying “Did you call the doctor” “why didn't you call a doctor” there was no time to truly answer the question. Point three: Even though the other plaintiff could’ve easily found Tom's file Atticus brought up that Tom had a previous record of misconduct that easily showed what Tom was capable of. Point four: Atticus intentionally had Tom Robinson tell the jury that he is able to chop up wood and things even with his good arm. Point 5:
BASIS OF GUILT Atticus Finch was Mr. Tom Robinson’s lawyer. Tom trusted him and believed in him. But that changed quickly when Atticus did not try to win. He is a white man defending a black man. Atticus should’ve put it all behind him when they walked through the doors. But he did not in fact he let his laziness get the best of him and threw the case the moment they sat down. Atticus cheated Tom out of a fair trial by making the jury think Tom is capable of harming Miss. Mayella Ewell even with his bad arm. Atticus told the jury that Tom was completely capable of cutting wood. So why wouldn’t he be able to hurt Miss. Mayella.

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