Examples Of Child Abuse Statistics

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Child Abuse Statistics
1 in 10 kids suffer from child maltreatment. Nearly 1 in 10 children are witnesses to family violence. The youngest kids are the most vulnerable to this treatment. Over 25% of abused children are under the age of three while almost 50% of abused children are under the age of five.
1,593 children in the United States died because of abuse or neglect in 2012. Of the number of children who died 70.3% were younger than three years of age and, 44.4% were younger than one year of age.
How many reports of child abuse are made?
Number of reports of abuse child every year in the United States are approximately 2.9 million

Who is most likely to abuse or ignore kids?
Of child abuse cases in 2012, in over 80% of the cases the parent was the primary abuser. In 2012, more than four-fifths (82.2%) of abusers were between the ages of 18 and 44 years while 39% of abusers were in the 25-34 age group. …show more content…

What can happen to children who are abused?
Babies who are victims of shaken baby syndrome can suffer bleeding in the eye or brain; damage to the spinal cord and neck; rib and bone fractures. 25% victims of shaken baby syndrome dies, and nearly all victims experience serious health issues. physical abuse to children can result in the malformation of the brain, resulting in impaired brain development and lack of growth in vital areas. Abused children as young as three years of age have shown signs of depression and withdrawal

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