Examples Of Cover Letter For Diversity Captain

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Dear Dr McCarthy,

I am writing to express my interest in the role of Diversity and Culture Captain, and to showcase how my enthusiasm and passion for inclusion make me the perfect candidate for this position.

As an external student to RLS this year, an aspect that I would like to incorporate from my previous school would be to intensify the role of the school in appreciation of different cultures. As part of my fulfilment of this role, I hope to increase awareness of cultural norms in order to decrease discomfort for the ethnic students who practise certain components of their culture or religion, and ensure they feel confident to express themselves with authenticity.

A key part of imparting the message of equality and inclusion is open, …show more content…

This must be concise and well-understood, otherwise patient safety is compromised. In addition to my first aid responsibilities, I am also a Cadet Corporal at the Buckingham St John Ambulance Unit. This position involves leading and instructing a group of cadets at weekly meetings, as well as teaching sessions to the whole unit. Working as part of the Leadership structure at St John Ambulance has contributed to the improvement of my teamwork and public speaking skills, as a significant amount of collaborative planning is required to make sessions run …show more content…

In order to enable this, a Culture Day would provide students with the opportunity to celebrate their individuality and be proud of their own unique backgrounds. To ensure that all cultures are represented accurately, a group of students could be elected on a volunteer basis from all year groups. This group of students could then function as representatives for the opinions of their peers, and this would ascertain that all students find this event engaging and positive. During this Culture Day, students would be able to display the richness of their respective cultures through performances at lunchtime as well as food stalls. The money raised through ticket sales for the performances as well as the food stalls could then be donated to a charity selected through a voting process conducted by a Google form, for example. Many schools in the area have successfully organised cultural events, and I strongly believe that the Royal Latin has an incredible student population rich in cultural diversity, and if a Culture Day is brought to the school, it will be a significant step towards achieving appreciation and tolerance for all ethnicities and